Thanks to Randi Rhodes for mentioning this on her show today. Her reference was from this site.
The DIVINE STRAKE full scale test is planned to be a large-yield, buried burst detonated at the Nevada Test Site. Divine Strake would appear to be associated with the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator RNEP, or possibly the B61-11 Earth-Penetrating Weapon, a fact that is obscured in most press coverage. Divine Strake is a high-explosive (HE) test sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). The test is a detonation of a 700 ton buried heavy AN/FO charge above a tunnel structure. The main purpose of the test is to study ground shock effects on deeply buried tunnel structures. Of secondary interest is the airblast produced by a buried charge and its modification as it propagates over the local terrain. Scheduled for the summer of 2006, as of 01 April 2006 the test was planned for 02 June 2006.
DIVINE STRAKE is one of several "DIVINE" efforts under the Hard and Deeply Buried Target Defeat (HDBTD) program. DIVINE WARHAWK consists of deep underground operational tunnel facility defeat demonstrations using advanced weapons at the White Sands Missile Range. DIVINE HELCAT was a 2004 reconstitution exercise to determine reconstitution time for the C3I tunnel facility at Nevada Test Site (NTS). Also in 2004 planning began for DIVINE HATES, which is a WMD production and storage tunnel complex functional defeat effort.
WAPO's William M. Arkin wrote an op-ed on the subject on April 4, 2006. Besides writing an excellent article on the STRAKE project, he questions the nicknames of the bombs in the divine strake PROJECT:
Does it need to be spelled out any clearer that nicknames shouldn't be political or religious or politically incorrect, that it makes no sense, given the gigantic universe of words available (my Code Names book contained over 3,500 names currently in use), to have an entire test series devoted to weapons of mass destruction testing that uses the "Divine" moniker? More>>>>
Just using the term "devine" for weapons of mass destruction makes one believe even stronger that Seymour Hersh's theory about Bush's "messianic" delusions is true!! This entire thing is absurd!!!! These people arre MAD!!!!
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