Greg Palast and Randi Rhodes are the ONLY voices speaking up against this inept company, ChoicePoint, Inc. the leading company in data-mining. The NSA data-mining program that USA Today revealed last week, is being conducted by ChoicePoint, Inc. How many people have publicly asked WHY is this being done?
Palast breaks it down in this article: Here is a snippet:
I know you're shocked -- SHOCKED! -- that George Bush is listening in on all your phone calls. Without a warrant. That's nothing. And it's not news.
This is: the snooping into your phone bill is just the snout of the pig of a strange, lucrative link-up between the Administration's Homeland Security spy network and private companies operating beyond the reach of the laws meant to protect us from our government. You can call it the privatization of the FBI -- though it is better described as the creation of a private KGB.
I first ran across these guys in 2000 in Florida when our Guardian/BBC team discovered the list of 94,000 "felons" that Katherine Harris had ordered removed from Florida's voter rolls before the election.
Virtually every voter purged was innocent of any crime except, in most cases, Voting While Black.
Who came up with this electoral hit list that gave Bush the White House? ChoicePoint, Inc.And worse, they KNEW the racially-tainted list of felons was bogus. And when we caught them, they lied about it. While they've since apologized to the NAACP, ChoicePoint's ethnic cleansing of voter rolls has been amply rewarded by the man the company elected.
ChoicePoint was given millions to search for "felons" on the voting rolls and came up with 94,000 BOGUS NAMES. They were then given a no bid contract worth BILLIONS to data-mine more information about American Citizens. Now this is the kicker, its bad enough to know that our privacy is being sold to the government for millions (the government is not allowed to collect this info...but they can purchase it)...the kicker is that they are in the process of making a NATIONAL DNA DATABASE of all Americans!! Can anyone say FOURTH AMENDMENT?
Former Mayor Rudy Guilianni gave ChoicePoint a No bid contract to get DNA info on the victims of 911 in NYC. That process of extracting DNA gave Choicepoint the opportunity to see just how far they could go in terms of collecting DNA on every American Citizen.
Palast explains it this way:
And now ChoicePoint and George Bush want your blood. Forget your phone bill. ChoicePoint, a sickened executive of the company told us in confidence, "hope[s] to build a database of DNA samples from every person in the United States …linked to all the other information held by CP [ChoicePoint]" from medical to voting records. And ChoicePoint lied about that too. The company publicly denied they gave DNA to the Feds -- but then told our investigator, pretending to seek work, that ChoicePoint was "the number one" provider of DNA info to the FBI. More>>>
This is MY question about all of this. Why do WE have to be submitted to all of this if this effort is to combat the abstract concept of a "War On terror"? I would submit to you that this is NOT about terror...it is about POLITICS AND CONTROL.
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