The brouhaha about Stephen Colbert's satirical skit at the Washington Correspondance Dinner this past weekend is just that...a lot of hot air. The fact is, the right wing pundits who continue to shoot Colbert down for his "disrespect" of the President simply are angry at the fact that Colbert spoke the truth. The irony is, his character supports the Bush Adminsitration. He is really satirizing the clueless media water carriers like Stone Phillips, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, et al.
The wingnuts are very particular about someone airing their dirty laundry. Remember these are the people, especially the ones in the media, who coddle and protect this administrations faux pas, lies and secrecy, at all cost.
They are upset because Colbert, although in his "right wing character", had no problem in speaking "truth to power" by satirizing this administration and its subservient media. These are the people who are accustomed to House Dems and others who oppose this administration's agenda and policies, running for cover or cowering in terror and silence. for fear of some sort of Rovian Retaliation if they spoke out.
Here is what Jesse Kornbluth of HuffPo had to say about Colbert's performance:
If there was any doubt about Stephen Colbert's genius, it evaporated at the White House Correspondents dinner.
Jon Stewart, God bless him, serves up the clip that shows you the President is an idiot. He works in the noble tradition of satire, and he can do it for years and years so long as there are white men in brogues who are stupid and powerful.
Colbert, God love him, goes much further. His is a high-wire act that could go down in flames at any moment. For he doesn't satirize our idiot government and gutless media, he becomes the biggest idiot of all. He's the true believer, the guy totally on message, the loyalist who would give his all for the Commander-in-Chief.
In my opinion, Colbert is nothing short of genius. His character portrayal at the event last weekend was perfect from beginning to end. Kudos, Stephen Colbert. Video
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