I will always believe that Keith Olbermann is one of the best anchors on cable news TV. The man speaks his mind and thats refreshing in an era of sychophants for the Bush administration and "news models" who don't have a clue.
Take for example this clip which skewers Bill O' Reilly about his Fox news ratings. Or even this one which exposes the wingnuts attempt to swift boat John Murtha.
My favorite is Olbermann's analysis of the neocon attack on the New York Times. They claim that the NYT revealed classified information about a secret banking program the government has been using to track terrorists. The problem, as Olbermann shows, is that this program is public knowledge. There is even a website that explains the entire program.
Watch out wingnuts. KO is knocking out all the right wing talking points, one by one. Gotta love this guy!!
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