Note: I posted this late last year. Given the current events developing between the Isreali/Lebanon "conflict", the Senate hearings regarding the status of the occupation in Iraq and its civil war, the faux pas made by the President on a constant basis and Cheney talking about the 'dark side', I felt this article needed to be resurrected:
George Bush has change over the last year. He went from being a Texas Governor Jerk who said if he lost the election, "life goes on," to a dogmatic, closed-minded man who apparently believes God has chosen him to bring the deluded dream of "democracy" to the Middle East. People have suggested to me that Bush is either insane or a psychopath (i.e., he has no conscience). Perhaps, there IS another answer: Maybe Bush and Company are suffering from what the Greeks noticed thousands of years ago: Koros (stability...or the appearance thereof) to Hubris (arrogance, moral blindness) to Ate (a kind of "madness") to Nemesis (destruction). One of the problems of the afflicted is that they never know what is happening to them. Sounds like Bush and Company most certainly have this affliction. The lunatics are now in charge of the asylum!!!! Prominent Conservative Leader: Government in Hands of Psychopaths: May stage terror attacks By Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson.
Former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts expressed his dire warning that the US government has fallen into the hands of psychopaths and that the Neo-Cons in the Bush administration may be set to stage another terror attack in the US as part of a black operation to demolish growing dissent and coerce the public to rally behind the government once again. More...
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