It appears that only Air America Radio's Randi Rhodes and Mike Malloy are constantly talking about this date. After listening to Mike and Randi explain what was to happen on June 2nd, I posted an item called: "Divine Madness" earlier this month which detailed what is going to happen on June 2, 2006.
Apparently, testing a "ammonium nitrate and fuel oil" 700 ton bomb in the Nevada desert is not newsworthy on the regular network news shows as well as cable "news" broadcasts.
The Salt Lake Tribune reports: The 700-ton blast aimed at fine-tuning the government's skill at destroying underground bunkers, Divine Strake is set to take place in just five weeks. Before that time, the Pentagon and the Energy Department may need to follow up on information the Utahns requested, but they also must get an air-quality permit from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, which also wants details.
The explosion involves putting ammonium nitrate and fuel oil - the makings of a conventional bomb, like the one used in the Oklahoma City federal building bombing - in a 37-foot-deep pit that is being dug into a mountaintop about 90 miles north of Las Vegas. The pit lies about 100 feet above a 1,000-foot-long tunnel, which has been used for 45 past tests. Detonation will cause a blast comparable to a 3.1- to 3.4-magnitude earthquake, based on the Richter scale, said Matheson's office. The debris cloud is expected to shoot 10,000 feet into the air, but environmental reviewers say the debris won't cross the Nevada Test Site boundary eight to 10 miles away.
Thousands of Utahns are among the downwinders - Westerners who blame cancer and other illnesses on fallout from atomic tests conducted at the Nevada site in the 1950s and '60s. Two downwinders have joined with members of the Western Shoshone Indian tribe in trying to have a court block the test. MORE>>>
So why is this not being reported in MOST of the"Mainstream Media" outlets? Perhaps Mike Malloy was right when he said on his April 26th radio show, that Bushco does not want this to get out, because if it does, there would probably be the kind of massive anti-war demonstrations we (who are old enough) witnessed in the 70's during the Johnson and Nixon administrations.
Although the Bushco Administration claims this is simply a test of a non-nuclear device and there is no danger to American Citizens, over the decades, we have heard this kind of rhetoric before with regard to testing/detonating such devices in Nevada in the past and yet the record tells us that in each case it was detrimental to the environment and people living near the blast sites.
This article in Time Magazine shows that A Native American Tribe and two citizens groups are taking legal action against the Department of Defense to halt this test which is only 90 miles from Las Vegas: Time Magazine article by Margot Roosevelt states:
A Western Shoshone Indian tribe and representatives of two Salt Lake citizens groups have filed suit against the U.S. Defense Department to stop the June 2 detonation of a 700-ton ammonium nitrate and fuel oil bomb 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas. The test, announced by the Pentagon on April 4, and dubbed "Divine Strake," is designed to determine how a bomb might penetrate fortified underground bunkers. It will be the biggest open-air chemical blast ever conducted at the Nevada Test site — 280 times more powerful than the explosion that destroyed the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995. "The concern of downwind communities is ‘Here we go again,’" said plaintiff Stephen Erickson of the Salt Lake City-based Citizens Education Project. Though not a nuclear test, Erickson is afraid the huge blast "could kick up radioactive dust from previous nuclear testing," and claims "the Pentagon has sprung it on everybody with no examination of its effects." MORE>>>
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