Black Hawk Down Revisited - [Sunday Herald] What is it about THIS administration? Why is it that they align themselves with the most evil and insidious of "allies"? The same horrific warlords who dragged US soldiers through the streets of Mogodishu back in 1993 are NOW the Bush Administration's NEW ALLIES in the war on terror. This administration is filled with convicted felons including John "Death Squad" Negroponte. It almost seems as if this administration has aligned itself with "The Darkside" or Satan himself, based on its choices of late. What IS this fascination with bloodlust and torture? Anyway...
The Sunday Herald reports:
THIRTEEN years after President Bill Clinton withdrew forces from Somalia, in the “Black Hawk down” shambles, American security officials are giving clandestine support to the same warlords who mutilated and humiliated US soldiers in 1993.
The American Operation, in breach of the United Nations’ arms embargo on Somalia and therefore in breach of international law, is controlled through the US Embassy in Kenya and Washington’s 1800-strong Combined Joint Task Force in Djibouti, on Somalia’s northern border.
The Combined Joint Task Force, under Admiral Richard Hunt, is an anti-terrorist operation for the troubled Horn of Africa, but most specifically for Somalia, which has had no effective government since 1991 and is seen as an ideal place for al-Qaeda activists to hide and plot attacks.
Somalia is only a short boat ride from Yemen and is a historic doorway to Africa from the Middle East. No visas are needed to enter Somalia and there is no police force. The country has a weak and ineffective transitional government operating largely out of neighbouring Kenya. Most of Somalia is in mayhem and lawlessness, ruled by a patchwork of competing warlords; the capital is too unsafe for even Somalia’s acting prime minister to visit. >>>More
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