Well, this time it looks real because the military made sure they got a picture of the very dead Zarqawi. I suppose this will make Bush's numbers rise a bit...but I predict they will fall below his record before the fall elections as more facts come out about this administration's obsession with cheating, lying, stealing and pandering.
Why didn't Bush go after Zarqawi at the beginning of the war?
In HuffPo today, Eric Alterman sums it up best: Bush didn't go after Zarqawi because he was useful in developing an argument for war -- even though that argument was based on lies. Tens of thousands have died, trillions have been wasted and who knows how many terrorists have been created as a result of his all-but-criminal negligence. Read all about it here.
Forgive my cyinicism but the timing of these events is so convenient for this administration. So therefore all I can do is keep wearing my tin foil hat, when it comes to these people in power. By the way....has anyone heard anything about the guy that blew up the WTC on 9/11? Oh thats right! It was Bush who said: "So I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him..."
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